
3 Ways To Encourage Your Teen’s Musical Interests

3 Ways To Encourage Your Teen’s Musical Interests

While many teens are interested in music, many do not pursue or foster that interest. There are many reasons a teen may not pursue their interest in music, and while some may be unavoidable, there are things you can do as a parent to encourage your teen’s musical interests. Aside from offering consistent personal and loving support, you can take steps to make it easier for them to pursue their interests in a nonthreatening way.

The goal is not to make your teen feel obligated to go into music but rather to allow them to explore how they think about music as a career or personal hobby. Here are three ways to encourage your teen’s musical interest.

1. Get them the tools they need.


Providing them with the tools they need may encompass many different things depending on their specific interests. For example, if they want to learn to play an instrument, they will need the instrument, music, and any tools or equipment required to play. You can also ensure they have an area to practice their instrument regularly in the house. If you have a dedicated space, you can install acoustic felt wall tiles to improve the room. Adding wall tiles to a space is the perfect solution for an open ceiling or area that causes echoes or sound distortion. It will also provide experiential value as your teen learns what they will sound like in an authentic concert setting. You don’t need to worry about the appearance or installation, as they can go on nearly any wall surface. They are lightweight and provide clean lines for visual appeal.

2. Help them get into a good school.


Getting into college music programs can be intimidating, competitive, and complex. Your teen may need a little extra help with the college application process, admission essays, getting into their dream school, or just finding the right fit. College application advisors can help them through the entire process. Admission consultants will walk your teen through finding the right school for them and the whole admissions process. They can also help with test prep, choosing extracurricular activities, and boosting their GPA. Choosing a school can be overwhelming, but it is important to remember this is a significant decision for your teen and one they are afraid to mess up. It is important to remind them everything will work out regardless of the path they choose as long as they are happy and financially stable.

3. Set them up with the right teachers.


Your teen will need instructors specializing in their specific area of music who will consistently work with them to improve their skills and understanding. There is a lot to developing musical talent beyond memorizing music that your teen will learn through working with others. They’ll need to learn fundamentals within music, including how acoustics work and impact their sound. Having experienced music teachers who will cater to your child’s specific needs and work to explore their talent positively is invaluable. It will benefit your teenager for years to come.

Encouraging your teen’s musical interests is not an overly complicated thing to do. You need to be open and willing and follow the advice of people who know what they’re talking about. There are a lot of supplies and equipment that can get expensive, and that may be a hindrance. However, you can research local resources for used instruments or equipment or places that allow you to trade or make payments.

There are also many careers involving music other than performance that you can help your child explore. Maybe they show interest in conducting, recording, producing, teaching, or writing. Musical interests are broad and offer plenty of opportunities for your child to find a path that will bring them joy and allow them to be financially stable as an adult.

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